Sustainable Investment
Environment: Clean operations for climate protection

- Reduce emissions to <29m metric tons CO2e by 2030 (Science-based target). No offsetting included.
- Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2050.
- 2030 targets: >30% share of sustainable fuels and 60% e-vehicles used in pick-ups and deliveries.
- Issuance of sustainability-linked bond of €500m until 2033.
Social: Great company to work for all

- Target 2023 of >80% Group-wide Employee Engagement approval rate in Employee Opinion Survey.
- Increase share of women in middle and upper management to at least 30% by 2025.
- Reduce Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate to <3.1 by 2025.
Governance: Highly trusted company

- 30% ESG-related targets in short-term remuneration for the Board of Management.
- 2024 target: 690 (out of 900) points cyber security rating – equals top quartile in our reference group.
- For the most recent remuneration report for Board of Management and Supervisory Board click here.