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DHL courier in front of delivery vehicle

Our sustainability approach

The decisions we make today can make a positive impact on our tomorrow

Having a clear plan is essential for achieving results. That's why we have integrated sustainability firmly into our Corporate Strategy 2030: now our environmental, social, and governance goals are embedded into our strategic bottom lines.

“Strategy 2030: Accelerate Sustainable Growth” emphasizes our commitment to decarbonizing our business while enhancing our profitability. It also introduces "Green Logistics of Choice" as a fourth bottom line complementing our targets.

Strategy Bottom Lines graphic

Our 2030 targets

At DHL Group, sustainability is a journey, not a destination. That's why we've set milestones to focus our efforts and measure our progress. These transparent, time-bound targets and KPIs are integral to our strategic planning and decision-making processes, much like our financial goals. For 2030, we aim to achieve the following objectives:

  • Reduce GHG emissions to <29m metric tons of carbon* by doubling down and accelerating decarbonization measures across all operation
  • Target >30% Sustainable Aviation Fuels blending in our Express and Global Forwarding businesses
  • Electrify 66% of our last-mile delivery vehicles 
  • Carbon neutral design to be used for all new buildings

* Subject to potential restatement due to methodology updates or change in business scope, e.g., due to M&A

Our long-term commitments

Our Sustainability approach focuses on three long-term commitments:

  • In line with the Paris Agreement, we are redefining the logistics industry with state-of-the-art technology to reduce our carbon footprint and a comprehensive portfolio of green products to help our customers achieve their environmental goals.

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  • In a business powered by people, we are providing a safe, inclusive, and purpose-driven workplace with equal opportunities for the around 600,000 people who drive our success, attracting and retaining the best talent to sustain our future.

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  • In every corner of the globe, we are standing out as a role model for good corporate governance, following trusted and transparent business practices and complying with a wide range of legal and regulatory requirements.

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Our road to Green Logistics of Choice

A smiling courier on a DHL bicycle with a yellow and red DHL jacket

We've made it our mission to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Beyond our 2030 milestones, we've mapped out a detailed pathway to get there:

Frontrunner in low-carbon logistics

  • Secure 30% Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) blending by 2030 through strategic partnerships
  • Double down on non-aviation decarbonization measures, prioritizing the scale-up of those with low abatement costs
  • Professionalize our energy management and be ahead of the pack to increase grid connectivity for our sites. Scale on-site solar PV** and battery storage solutions – in expectation of a multifold increase in our demand for green electricity

Best green commercial offering in the industry

  • Increase sales of GoGreen Plus services, leveraging best-in-class pricing and marketing practices
  • Offer and invest in tailored customer solutions, e.g. dedicated fleets
  • Establish new markets by integrating low-carbon logistics as the market standard, e.g., in e-commerce parcel shipping

Trusted and effective green solutions

  • Provide best-in-class carbon reports to our customers 
  • Offer certified and claimable C0₂e reductions, incl. reliable scope 3 solutions
  • Lead our industry to sustainable practices

** Photovoltaic

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Our road to being a great company to work for all

A smiling group of people, one female and two males, in DHL clothing in front of a yellow DHL building.

Rooted in our values of Respect & Results, we are creating an environment of genuine diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Here's how we intend to make that happen:

  • Reduce our lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) to below 3.1 by 2025.
  • Increase the share of women in management to at least 30% by 2025.
  • Consistently exceed 80% on Employee Engagement in our Employee Opinion Survey.
  • Foster a 'Safety First' culture.
  • Raise awareness of our human rights policy through dedicated communications and training programs.
  • Champion the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within our teams.
  • Expand our award-winning Certified program and e-learning offerings.

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Our road to being highly trusted everywhere

Two men in front of a plane, who smile at each other

Building on a robust and effective governance organization across our entire Group, we are making compliance an integral part of everything we do through the following actions:

  • Train all employees in relevant management positions on our Group's compliance and data protection standards
  • Ensure that our data security capability is one of the best in the business
  • Increase our share of supplier spend with suppliers who have accepted our Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Assess high-risk suppliers based on a structured due diligence process.

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Our road to a lasting impact in our communities

A group of people in yellow t-shirts planting trees on a steep hill

We are not paving the way to sustainability in a bubble. Our Sustainability Roadmap also includes our aspirations to make a lasting impact in our communities.
In the context of our Go Programs, we aspire to:

  • Invest 1% of our net profit on social impact
  • Plant 5 million trees by 2025 (GoGreen)
  • Scale up our cross-bord trade facilitation initiative (GoTrade)
  • Localize and digitalize our disaster management program (GoHelp)
  • Expand our program to educate and empower young people (GoTeach)

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