Deutsche Post sells its SIMSme messenger to Brabbler AG
Brabbler AG has reached a binding agreement with Deutsche Post for the acquisition of Deutsche Post's secure messenger app SIMSme.
Bonn - SIMSme will soon have a new owner. Brabbler AG, developer and operator of the digital communications platform "ginlo", has reached a binding agreement with Deutsche Post for the acquisition of Deutsche Post's secure messenger app SIMSme. In return, Deutsche Post acquires a stake in Brabbler AG as a way to participate in the future growth of SIMSme. The parties agreed not to disclose information on the purchase price. Completion of the transaction is expected soon.
"This is a great opportunity to bring the best of both product worlds together, and to continue to expand the portfolio of digital communications solutions 'Made in Germany'," says Jörg Sellmann, CFO of Brabbler AG. "And it's great to have Deutsche Post on board as an important strategic shareholder."

"We are selling SIMSme at a time when demand is on the rise, especially among business customers, and development capacity needs to be expanded significantly," says Marco Hauprich, Senior Vice President Digital Labs Deutsche Post AG and responsible for SIMSme. "Brabbler AG - with its expertise in digital communications, experienced team of developers, and extensive experience in marketing digital services - is exactly the right partner to take our successful product to the next level."

Existing SIMSme customers can continue to use the service as before. SIMSme remains a free service for private customers; for business customers current pricing plans also remain valid. SIMSme user data remains secure and servers will remain in Germany, ensuring continued compliance with Germany's strict data privacy standards. End-to-end encryption of SIMSme messages also remains unchanged.
Based in Munich, Brabbler was founded in 2015 by GMX founders Karsten Schramm, Eric Dolatre and Peter Köhnkow together with Jörg Sellmann, and today employs 76 people from 24 countries. ginlo is Brabbler's fully encrypted communications platform dedicated - like SIMSme - to 100% secure and confidential digital communications.
Advising on the deal were IEG Investment Banking Group and Oppenhoff & Partner Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater mbB.

Alexander Edenhofer
Mail Products & Services, Regulation Issues, Postal Policy, E-Mobility, Bonn Topics
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