Deutsche Post DHL Group Top Employer in over 100 countries worldwide
In 2020, even during the pandemic, the KPI score for Employee Engagement rose by a further five percentage points compared with the previous year.
- Top Employers Institute recognizes DPDHL Group for excellence in Leadership Behaviors, Talent Management and Occupational Health and Safety
- Certifications are the result of high employee engagement and good workplace conditions
- "Motivated, engaged employees are the key to service excellence and the basis for our business success," Thomas Ogilvie, Board Member for HR
Bonn - Deutsche Post DHL Group remains on track towards its strategic goal of becoming Employer of Choice - even in the face of the coronavirus crisis – and has once again been recognized as an outstanding employer by the Top Employers Institute, with certification on January 28, 2021, taking in all divisions and over 100 county organizations. The certification process, which is undertaken annually by the prestigious Top Employers Institute, comprises a comprehensive audit and subsequent independent certification. Categories including talent strategy, HR planning, training and development, career and succession planning, and corporate culture are the focus of the assessment.
Deutsche Post DHL Group also received certification from the Great Place to Work organization in 61 countries in 2020, in recognition of its particularly good workplace environment. The Top Employer award-winning business units include Post & Parcel Germany, DHL Supply Chain, DHL Global Forwarding and Freight, eCommerce Solutions and DHL Express.
"We are especially proud of receiving these awards this year. They show us that our focus on occupational health and safety, and the good working conditions and opportunities for development that our company offers are valued by our employees – and that our strategy, which is underpinned by the values of Respect and Results, is resilient, even in turbulent times. Thanks to the incredible performance of our 550,000 employees worldwide, we have maintained a consistently high level of service throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, despite unprecedented demands on our workforce and many operational challenges," says Thomas Ogilvie, Board Member for Human Resources at Deutsche Post DHL Group. "Our employees are our most valuable asset. Our purpose is to connect people and improve their lives. That can only be done with motivated, engaged employees. Our employees are the key to service excellence and the customer satisfaction this brings - and satisfied customers are the basis for our business success."
In addition to certification from external institutes, the annual Employee Opinion Survey, which all employees are invited to respond to anonymously, is an important development tool for continually fostering workplace satisfaction and employee engagement throughout the company. In 2020, even during the pandemic, the KPI score for Employee Engagement rose by a further five percentage points compared with the previous year. As Ogilvie explains: "This reflects our timely and decisive response to the pandemic. At an early stage, we procured protective face coverings, introduced hygiene rules and testing procedures, and employed a proactive, appreciative tone across all employee communications. We also demonstrated our appreciation by giving all 550,000 employees worldwide a special 300 euro coronavirus bonus in 2020 for outstanding work in circumstances that were anything but easy.”
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