Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend increase
The shareholders approved with 99.92 percent of the votes the payment of a dividend of EUR1.85 per share, an increase of EUR0.05 compared to the previous year.
- Dividend increases to EUR1.85 per share
Bonn - At today's Annual General Meeting of Deutsche Post AG, shareholders approved the resolutions proposed by the Board of Management and Supervisory Board by large majorities. Among other things, the shareholders approved with 99.92 percent of the votes the payment of a dividend of EUR1.85 per share, an increase of EUR0.05 compared to the previous year.
The actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board were also approved. During voting for the Supervisory Board, Dr. Katrin Suder, freelance corporate consultant with TAE Advisory & Sparring GmbH (97.12 percent of the votes) was elected for the first time to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Post AG, and Dr. Mario Daberkow, Head of Group IT Infrastructure & Services of Volkswagen AG (98.93 percent of the votes), was reelected to the same function.
Additional agenda items related to the repurchase of shares, the remuneration report and amendments to the Articles of Association for the Annual General Meeting, each of which was approved by a large majority.
The Annual General Meeting was held at the World Conference Center in Bonn as an in-person event for the first time after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, shareholders once again had the ability to also follow the meeting virtually.
As part of the voting on the agenda items, valid votes representing an average of 785,712,304 shares were cast. This corresponds to 63.41 percent of the share capital entitled to vote (previous year: 66.73 percent).
After more than 15 years as CEO, Frank Appel?'s term of office as a member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Post DHL Group ends with today's Annual General Meeting. Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, paid tribute to the outgoing CEO saying: "Frank Appel has turned Deutsche Post DHL Group into a logistics company with a very strong balance sheet that is unmatched on the international stage and that holds a leading position in the global market. In addition, the company achieved its best financial result of all time in the last year under his leadership. With a clear strategy, consistent implementation and an unerring eye for relevant economic trends, he ensured that we seized the opportunities presented by global challenges to generate considerable growth. Mr. Appel has thus successfully positioned Deutsche Post DHL Group for a sustainable future." With immediate effect, Tobias Meyer, who has been a member of the Executive Board since April 2019, will take over as new Group CEO.

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