Carbon neutral buildings
Being the most international company in the world with operations in over 220 countries and territories, we have a considerable number of physical assets like warehouses, sorting centers/hubs/terminals, office buildings etc. We aim to leverage the latest green technologies to have carbon neutral buildings1 across our businesses worldwide.

Our most important levers for making buildings CO2-neutral
Energy from renewable sources2 and their increased usage:
- Increased deployment of onsite solar Photovoltaic (PV) generation: We are committed to maximizing the use of solar PV and have implemented new internal standards: all new systems will aim for a minimum of 40% roof coverage with solar PV panels.
- Evaluate alternative local electricity generation options (e.g. wind turbines with a direct connection on own sites or close to own sites).
- Design all new/refurbished sites to be ‘electric vehicle ready’ with a smart charging infrastructure.
- Deploy battery storage where economically viable (all new buildings designed to be ‘battery ready’).
Energy efficient, smart, fossil-free technologies with smart building design:
- Efficient HVAC systems with increased use of heat pumps
- LEDs lighting with smart controls and natural daylight
- Building automation and metering
Environmental aspects
- Biodiversity and sustainable landscaping
- Rainwater harvesting and low use water appliances
1) Carbon Neutral Building refers to a DHL internal rating standard for building emissions. It includes buildings’ operational carbon emissions according to Scope 1 & Scope 2, with 75% or more carbon reduction and a maximum of 25% offsets with verified carbon credits allowed (compared to a brown baseline). The reduction of emissions is achieved by renewable energies, like solar PV, and the deployment of energy efficient technologies.
2) Facilities operated on behalf of customers are not taken into consideration.