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Share Performance

Total average return of 9.5% was achieved by an investment in Deutsche Post AG made at the end of 2002 if it was held until the end of 2024. This and further information regarding the share performance since the IPO can be found in our total return triangle.

9.5% total return on average

...was achieved by an investment in Deutsche Post AG made at the end of 2002 if it was held until the end of 2024. This and further information regarding the share performance since the IPO can be found in our total return triangle.

Key figures on our shares

Shares of Deutsche Post AG, multi-year-overview

    2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Basic earnings per share1 2.41 4.10 4.41 3.09 2.86
Diluted earnings per share2 2.36 4.01 4.33 3.04 2.81
Cash flow per share1, 3 6.22 8.11 9.03 7.79 7.48
Dividend per share 1.35 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.854
Dividend distribution € m 1,673 2,205 2,205 2,169 2,1324, 5
Number of shares as of December 31 millions 1,239.1 1,239.1 1,239.1 1,239.1 1,200.0
Year-end closing price 40.50 56.54 35.18 44.86 33.98

The average weighted number of shares outstanding is used for the calculation.
The average weighted number of shares outstanding is adjusted for the number of all potentially dilutive shares.
Cash flow from operating activities.

General information on our shares

Deutsche Post shares

Listed since   20 November 2000
Issue price 21.00
Instrument type (class)   non-par value registered ordinary shares
Authorized capital 1,200,000,000
Authorized capital no. of shares 1,200,000,000
Share capital 1,200,000,000
Accounting standard   IFRS
Fiscal year ends   31 December
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)   DE0005552004
German securities code number (WKN)   555200
Exchange symbol   DHL
Instrument Code Reuters   DHLn.DE
Ticker Symbol Bloomberg   DHL
Paying Agent   Deutsche Bank AG, Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Stock exchange centres   Frankfurt/M., Xetra
Prime sector   Transportation & Logistics
Industry group   Logistics
Segment   Regulated Market (Prime Standard)
Affiliation to German stock exchange indexes   PRIME ALL, CDAX, HDAX, DAX

American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)

American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are negotiable instruments issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank that evidence ownership of shares in Deutsche Post AG. Each ADR represents one underlying ordinary share of Deutsche Post AG, on deposit with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank in Germany.

General Information

Symbol DHLGY  
Exchange Over the counter (otc)
1 ADR : 1 ORD
Underlying Sedol 4617859
US ISIN US25157Y2028
Underlying ISIN DE0005552004
Depositary Bank

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA

Online via Email:


EQ Shareowner Services

P.O. Box 64504

St. Paul, MN 55164-0504


Calling from inside the US: +1 800 990 1135 (toll-free)
Calling from outside the US: +1 651 453 2128

Q&A about DHL Group shares

What is the average stock return of DHL Group?

The total shareholder return of DHL Group over the past 10 years was on average approximately 5.5%.

Period: 2014/31/12 - 2024/31/12.

How has the DHL stock performed compared to the DAX?

Over the last 15 years, DHL shares have outperformed the DAX by 1.7 percentage points:

Average return of DHL Group: 10.1%
Average return of DAX: 8.4%

Period: 2009/31/12 - 2024/31/12.

How have DHL shares performed compared to the competition (UPS & FedEx) in the last 5 years?

DHL: 87.6%
UPS: 62.9%
FedEx: 59.1%
MSCI World Transportation Index: 51.2%

Period: 2018/28/12 - 2023/29/12; excluding dividends

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