Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend at previous year’s level; Board of Management announces withdrawal of shares
The Annual General Meeting approved with 99.96 percent of the votes the payment of a dividend at previous year's level of EUR1.85 per share.
Bonn - At today's Annual General Meeting of Deutsche Post AG in Bonn, shareholders approved the proposals of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board by large majorities. Among other things, the Annual General Meeting approved with 99.96 percent of the votes the payment of a dividend at previous year's level of EUR 1.85 per share. The total dividend payout therefore amounts to around EUR 2.2 billion.

Tobias Meyer, CEO DHL Group, says: "We have consistently improved our financial strength in recent years. We emphasize this with an attractive dividend. Our total return on equities over the past five years amounts to 96 percent. This puts us well ahead of the benchmarks, the DAX and MSCI World Transportation. The consistently high dividend underlines our ability to generate an attractive return for our investors even in challenging times."
Actions of Board of Management and Supervisory Board approved by large majority
The actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board were also approved by a large majority. The Annual General Meeting newly elected Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ann-Kristin Achleitner, professor at the Technical University of Munich (99.20 percent of the votes), and Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, independent lawyer (99.24 percent of the votes), to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Post AG. Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger stood for reelection and was confirmed in office (98.92 percent of the votes). The previous Supervisory Board members Simone Menne and Dr Stefan Schulte were no longer available for re-election after many years on the Supervisory Board.
Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DHL Group, says: "On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to thank Simone Menne and Dr. Stefan Schulte for their outstanding work. In Professor Ann-Kristin Achleitner and Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, the Annual General Meeting has chosen two distinguished successors. Both will enrich our work on the Supervisory Board."
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was appointed as auditor of the financial statements and, for the first time, as auditor of the sustainability report for the company and the Group in fiscal 2024.
The Annual General Meeting also approved the remuneration report by a large majority (94.01 percent of the votes).

Board of Management intends to withdraw approx. 39 million treasury shares
At the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Management announced its intention to withdraw approx. 39 million treasury shares.
Melanie Kreis, CFO DHL Group, explains: "Our share buyback program, which was extended in March 2024 and increased to EUR 4 billion, also gives us the opportunity to withdraw shares. We intend to make use of this option. The planned withdrawal will increase the weighting of our shares in the DAX."
The share capital of Deutsche Post AG is to be reduced accordingly as part of the withdrawal. This means that each share will continue to represent EUR 1 of the share capital.
As part of the voting on the agenda items, valid votes representing an average of 782,748,070 shares were cast. This corresponds to 63.17 percent of the share capital entitled to vote (2023: 63.41 percent).

Daniel Gabel
Financial Communications, Global Business Services
DHL Group
Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 20
53113 Bonn